Morrish Homes Zero Tolerance Position Statement July 24

Morrish Homes Position Statement

We are committed to providing a professional and fair service to everyone we work with and our Customer Service Commitment sets out what customers can expect from us. In return we ask that customers respect our staff.

We will not tolerate harassment, threatening, abusive or violent behaviour or behaviour that causes offence. Under these circumstances no member of staff should be required to or feel obliged to deal with any customer either face to face, over the phone or in written correspondence.

About this position statement:

This position statement enables us to deal with unacceptable customer behaviour, professionally, consistently and fairly. It lets both staff and customers know what we consider to be unacceptable and outlines the steps we may take to deal with such behaviour. It applies to all our customers.

What behaviour is unacceptable?

For the purposes of this position statement, unacceptable behaviour is defined as:

Behaviour or language (written, verbal or online) that we consider may cause staff to feel harassed, intimidated, afraid, offended, threatened or abused.

Examples of this include (but are not exhaustive):

· Communication that we consider to be unreasonably demanding, or unreasonably persistent in its frequency, type and nature. By this we mean telephone, email or written communication, face to face, online or through social media.

· Inflammatory/derogatory statements, remarks of a racial, xenophobia or discriminatory nature and unsubstantiated allegations.

· Violent behaviour - Physical contact made in an aggressive or threatening manner. This includes: pushing; jostling; kicking; punching; physical restraint; sexual assault; spitting and use of weapons

· Threatening behaviour - Words or actions that cause a person to be concerned for their safety, the safety of colleagues, or the safety of their property. This includes visual threats or gestures; aggressive stance; sexually explicit or threatening language or body language; abusive phone calls; on-line bullying, use of aggressive dogs and obstruction or aggressive use of vehicles.

· Abusive behaviour - Words or actions that cause a person to feel harassed, intimidated or distressed. This includes: offensive gestures; aggressive stance; abusive, provocative or obscene language and inappropriate use of social media.

· Wilful damage to property - This can belong to Morrish Homes, its employees, contractors, or volunteers. This includes: buildings; fixtures; fittings; equipment and vehicles.

What action will we take?

Our position on harassment, threatening or violent behaviour, racism or xenophobia is very simple: zero tolerance. We will not tolerate it inside our organisation, and we won’t tolerate it against our staff from people outside the organisation. If we feel that a customers’ behaviour is unacceptable, we will take the following steps:

Step 1 – Identify: Customer behaviour is recognised as unacceptable.

We will ask the customer to modify their behaviour and explain why. If the behaviour continues staff are advised to remove themselves from the situation. Morrish Homes remain within their rights to cease all services.

Step 2 – Report: Unacceptable behaviour reported internally.

The staff member will inform a senior colleague about the situation and the incident will be recorded.

Step 3 – Review: Unacceptable behaviour investigated.

A member of the Senior Management Team will investigate the situation and decide what action to take. Where relevant we will keep the customer informed. Where we feel it necessary, we may escalate the matter to the Police.

If you disagree with the final decision you are entitled to make a complaint. Information on how to do this is available on: or you can contact us at:

Morrish Homes
Unit 5 Factory Road
BH16 5SL

Tel: 01202 623420


Contact us today to find out more and a friendly team member will be in touch

Morrish Homes
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